Thesaurus philo-politicus, hoc est, Emblemata sive moralia politica, figuris aeneis incisa et ad instar albi amicorum exhibita, versibus quoq[ue] Latinis ac rhythmis Germanicis conscripta /
opera, studio ac inventione Danielis Meisneri, Commothoviensis Bohemi, P.L.C ; accessit multarum caesarearum, regiarum, electoralium, principalium et imperialium civitatum ac urbium, nec non florentissimarum Vniuersitatum & Academiarum Germania aliarumq[ue] nationum vera delineatio =
Politisches Schatzkästlein, das ist, Ausserlesene schöne Emblemata vnd Moralia so wol Kunst vnd Christliebenden als Kriegszvbenden, auch andern politischen Personen zu Ehren vnd Gefallen in diese Stammbuchs Form gar artlich inventirt, fürgebildet vnd gantz new an Tag geben / durch Daniel Meissnern von Commenthaw ausz Böheimb P.L.C. ; sampt gewissen Abbildungen der fürnembsten käyserlichen königlichen Chur- vnd Fürstlichen Residentz, auch Reichs vnd Handelsz Stätten, so wol der berümbtesten Vniversitäten vnd hohen Schulen in vnd ausserhalb desz Heil. Röm. Reichs Teutscher Nation.
- Language(s)
German ; Latin
- Published
Zu Franckfurt am Mayn : Bey Eberhardt Kiesern, Burgern vnd Kupfferstechern daselbst zufinden, anno MDCXXIV [1624]-1626.
- Edition
Secundae editionis.
- Note
Head-pieces; decorative initials.
Parts 1 to 6 are by Daniel Meissner who died in 1625; part 7 is by Johann Ludwig Gottfried; part 8 was edited by Eberhard Kieser. Cf. Praz.
Each part comprises 52 copper plates with emblematic images and views of cities in the background.
Originally published in 2 volumes, each comprising 8 parts; of the second edition only the first volume was published.
Parts 1 to 6 with engraved and letterpress title pages; parts 7 and 8 with engraved title pages only.
- Physical Description
8 parts in 1 :
illustrations (engravings) ;
17 x 21 cm (4to oblong)
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