2008 application guidelines :
Community Development Assistance Program : competitive public facilities construction : set-aside public facilities.
- Language(s)
- English
- Published
[Springfield, Ill] : Illinois Dept. of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, [2007]
- Subjects
Illinois. /
Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.
Illinois. > Illinois. / Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity > Illinois. / Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity / Forms.
Water-supply engineering.
Storm sewers.
Sewer design.
Grants-in-aid > Grants-in-aid / Law and legislation.
Federal aid to community development.
Emergency water supply.
Economic development > Economic development / Social aspects.
Community development.
Block grants.
Grants-in-aid > Grants-in-aid / Law and legislation > Grants-in-aid / Law and legislation / Illinois.
Block grants > Block grants / Illinois > Block grants / Illinois / Forms.
Community development > Community development / Illinois > Community development / Illinois / Forms.
Economic development > Economic development / Social aspects > Economic development / Social aspects / Illinois.
Federal aid to community development > Federal aid to community development / Illinois > Federal aid to community development / Illinois / Forms.
Emergency water supply > Emergency water supply / Illinois.
Water-supply engineering > Water-supply engineering / Illinois.
Sewer design.
Storm sewers > Storm sewers / Illinois.
Blank forms.
- Summary
2. Set-aside Public Facilities -- Eligible activities are identical to those in the Competitive Public Facilities component but which are of an urgent and unforeseen nature and have occurred outside the normal funding cycle.
Under CDAP the major eligible activities are: 1. Public Facilities Construction --The funding priority for this component is for water and sanitary and storm sewer projects. Acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, demolition or installation of public facilities and improvement are eligible activities. Project areas must be primarily residential in character. (This does not include buildings used predominantly for the general conduct of government.) Funds may also be used to finance costs associated with the connection of residential structures to public facility improvements.
The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program was established by the federal Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (Act). Administered nationally by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Act combined eight existing categorical programs into a single block grant program. In 1981, Congress amended the Act to allow states to directly administer the block grant for small cities. At the designation of the Governor, the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity assumed operation of the State of Illinois Community Development Block Grant -- Small Cities Program in the same year. The Illinois Block grant program is known as the Community Development Assistance Program (CDAP). Through this program, funds are available to assist Illinois communities meet their greatest economic and community development needs, with an emphasis upon helping persons of low-to-moderate income.
- Note
"2008 PF GUIDE doc."
- Physical Description
62 pages :
forms ;
28 cm
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