Alaska OCS (Outer Continental Shelf) socioeconomic studies program: Prudhoe Bay case study, technical report B1#4; Beaufort Sea region petroleum development scenarios, technical report executive summary B1#6a; Beaufort Sea region man-made environment, technical report B1#8; Beaufort Sea region sociocultural systems, technical report B1#9; Beaufort Sea region natural physical environment, technical report B1#10; Beaufort Sea region socioeconomic baseline, technical report B1#11; Beaufort Sea region socioeconomic baseline, technical report B1#11a; Anchorage socioeconomic and physical baseline, technical report B1#12; Beaufort Sea petroleum development scenarios, impacts on Anchorage, technical report B1#13; Alyeska-Fairbanks case study, technical report B1#14; Beaufort Sea region governance study, technical report B1#16; Beaufort Sea petroleum development scenarios, economic and demographic impacts, technical report B1#18; Beaufort Sea petroleum development scenarios, man made environmental impacts, technical report B1#19; Beaufort Sea petroleum development scenarios, transportation impacts, technical report B1#20; Beaufort Sea petroleum development scenarios, natural physical environment impacts, technical report B1#21; Beaufort Sea petroleum development scenarios, sociocultural impacts, technical report B1#22; Beaufort Sea petroleum development scenarios, summary of socioeconomic impacts, technical report B1#23; Second program summary report, technical report B1#25; Developing predictors of community and population change, technical report B1#26; Socioeconomic impacts of selected foreign OCS (Outer Continental Shelf) development, technical report B1#28; Lower Cook Inlet petroleum development scenarios, commercial fishing industry analysis, technical report B1#44; Bering-Norton petroleum development scenarios, economic and demographic analysis, technical report B1#50; Bering-Norton petroleum development scenarios, sociocultural systems analysis, technical report B1#54(v.1); Monitoring oil exploration activities in the Lower Cook Inlet, technical report B1#55; Small community population impact model, special report B2#4; BLM studies, reference papers B3#1; Physical characteristics, reference papers B3#2; Biotic resources, reference papers B3#3; Economic development, reference papers B3#4; Sociological resources, reference papers B3#5; Marine food web, reference papers B3#6; Oil and gas operations, reference papers B3#7; Policy requirements and controls, reference papers B3#8; Energy alernatives, reference papers B3#9; Bering Sea/Norton Sound petroleum development scenarios, forecast of conditions without the planned lease sale, impact analysis B4; Bering Sea cultural resources, technical paper :
environmental impact statement.
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Volumes held: B1#4, B1#6 a, B1#8, B1#9, B1#10, B1#11, B1#11 a, B1#12 a, B1#13, B1#14, B1#16, B1#18, B1#19, B1#20, B1#21, B1#22, B1#23, B1#25, B1#26, B1#28, B1#44, B1#54 (volumes 1), B1#55, B2#4, B3#1, B3#2, B3#3, B3#4, B3#5, B3#6, B3#7, B3#8, B3#9, B4, B5#2
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