A correlation of the effects of compression ratio and inlet-air temperature on the knock limits of aviation fuels in a CFR engine - 2 /
Henry E. Alquist, Leon O'Dell, and John C. Evvard.
- Language(s)
- Published
Washington, D.C. : National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, [1946]
- Summary
The knock-limited performance of nine fuels, comprising isolated members of four classes of hydrocarbons, paraffins, cycloparaffins, and olefins), is presented in the form of three-dimensional plots of fuel-air ratio, compression temperature, and compression-air density. The plots are based on a correlation that is shown to apply for these fuels over a wide range of compression that is shown to apply for these fuels over a wide range of compression ratios and inlet-air temperatures. The significance of the term "temperature sensitivity" is sketched, and it is emphasized that no generalized number such as octane number can be applied even to members of a given class of hydrocarbons when broad ranges of engine severity are encountered.
- Note
Prepared at the Aircraft Engine Research Laboratory, Cleveland, Ohio.
Originally issued as NACA as Advance Restricted Report E6E13 (June 1946).
NACA Wartime Report E-240.
- Physical Description
9, [31] p. :
ill. ;
27 cm.
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