Investigation of gas-cooled reactor safety problems :
technical progress report for the period ...
- Language(s)
- Published
Washington, D.C. : Department of Commerce, Office of Technical Services.
- Summary
"A review of the safety aspects of gas-cooled power reactors has been made. The survey indicated that the most severe accidents result primariliy from primary system component failures. Such accidents (1) release fission products to the primary coolant and (2) may cause damage to the reactor core. Transients caused by inadvertent reactivity additions are generally minor, since these are limited by strong negative fuel temperature coefficients, large core heat capacities, and the long neutron lifetimes characteristic of most gas-cooled reactors."--Abstract.
- Note
"Final report" issued seperatly in 1962.
Title may vary slightly
"Work performed under contract AT(30-1)-2303(XVII) for the United States Atomic Energy Commission.
"NDA-2159-[nos]. Reactor technology" (Series)