True information of the beginning and cause of all our troubles: how they have been hatched, and how prevented. Wherein we may see the manifold contrivances and attempts of forraigne and homebred enemies, against the Parliament, kingdome, and purity of religion. And how all their endeavours whether by force or fraud, never prospered ...
- Language(s)
- Published
London, 1648 [i.e. 1654?]
- Note
Armorial book-plate of Sir Henry Hope Edwardes; book-plate of Isaac Foot.
Published also under titles: A narration of the most marterial parliamentary proceedings of this present Parliament ... London, 1651; and Former ages never heard of ... London 1656.
Attributed to John Vicars.
Title within double line border.
Signatures: A-D⁴, E², F⁶, H-K⁴.
- Physical Description
[2], 70 p.
20 cm.
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University of California