Il ministero Matteucci e le università italiane :
note critiche /
dell'avv. Costanzo Giani, prof. di leggi nella R. Università di Pavia.
- Language(s)
- Published
Pavia : Ditta tipografica eredi Bizzoni, editrice, 1862.
- Note
Cavagna 9723: Acquisition made accessible thanks to a 2015-2017 grant from the Council on Libraries and Information Resources.
Cavagna 9723: Bound with 3 other Italian language works from the mid-19th century.
Both copies have a University of Illinois bookplate: "From the library of Conte Antonio Cavagna Sangiuliani di Gualdana Lazelada di Bereguardo, purchased 1921".
- Physical Description
48 p. ;
21 cm.
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University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign