Llibre de paraules e dits de savis e filosofs
[per] Jahuda Bonsenyor; Los proverbis de Salomo; Lo llibre de Cato; fets estampar complets per primera vegada ab un pròlech y documents per en Gabriel Llabrés y Quintana.
- Language(s)
- Published
Palma de Mallorca, Impr. d'en J.Colomar y Salas, 1889.
- Note
The second work is an anonymous Catalan paraphrase of some of the Biblical Proverbs; the third is a translation of the Latin work known as Catonis disticha, which has been attributed to both Dionysius Cato and Marcus Porcius Cato; its real author is unknown. All three works exist in late 14th century manuscript.
Library has copy no. 116.
300 copies.
- Physical Description
xxxix, 148p.
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University of Iowa