Queen's Bench and Practice Court reports.
- Language(s)
- Published
Toronto : R. Carswell.
- Edition
Old series.
- Note
"Vol. 1 of this set is entitled "The Upper Canada Jurist." It is a regular law journal, with articles and reported cases, and is in two parts, paged separately. Vol. 2 is entitled "The Upper Canada Jurist; also, King's Bench and Practice Reports." Vols. 3-5 are entitled "Queen's Bench and Practice Court Reports (Old Series), edited by J. Lukin Robinson," and Vol. 6 "Queen's Bench Reports (Old Series), edited by Christopher Robinson. These editors evidently carried out the reports begun in the Jurist, to fill the gap between Draper and the U.C.Q.B.; and as their volumes were published after the latter series had commenced, they gave the former the title of "Old Series," on titlepage and label. In consequence of a change in the plan of publication, the paging of Vol. 2 is confused." Cf. Soule, 1882 pp. 149-150.
- Physical Description
3 v. ;
23 cm.