Harbour authorities. Return to an order of the Honourable the House of Commons, dated 13 August 1901;--for, return "from the authorities of the harbours, &c. of the United Kingdom ... /
Francis J. S. Hopwood, Board of Trade.
- Language(s)
- Published
London : H.M.S.O., 1903.
- Note
"1. Giving a description of works executed within the last twenty years, distinguishing piers, docks, dredging, lighting and buoying, other works, and giving the total cost of works under each head. 2. Giving present area and depth of accommodation in harbour for ships and boats, as compared with area and depth twenty years since. 3. Giving the names of the engineers employed, stating if any engineers' reports on the harbour works have been made, and by whom and when. 4. Giving an account of the present state of the works, including depth of water at low water on the bar or entrance. 5. Giving the time of high water at full and change of the moon, also the rise of the tide at ordinary springs and neaps above low water mean spring tide. 6. Giving a statement of the income for the last twenty years arising from tolls, dues, and rates. 7. Stating, in the case of a fishery harbour, the ordinary draft of fishing vessels when loaded. 8. Giving copies of existing harbour byelaws and regulations. 9. Giving the name and consitution of the trustees, managers, or owners of the harbour or harbour works. 10. Stating whether the harbour authority is constituted by statute or by Provisional Order, and quoting the statute or Provisional Order. 11. Giving the limits of the harbour as defined by statute or Provisional Order, distinguishing (1) conservancy jurisdiction and (2) rating area. In cases where the limits are not so defined, stating what are the recognised limits and quoting the authority therefor." -- T.p.
- Physical Description
ix, 276 p. :
tables ;
33 cm.
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