The United States cook book :
a complete manual for ladies, housekeepers, and cooks : with directions for preparing in the best and most economical manner, meats, vegetables, beverages, pastry, jellies, ices, etc., to lard and carve, to ornament and send to the table the different dishes and beverages, as also, to preserve different fruits, etc. : with particular reference to the climate and productions of the United States /
by Wm. Vollmer ; translated by J.C. Oehlschlager = Vollständiges deutsches Vereinigten Staaten Kochbuch : ein Hand- und Hülfsbuch für Hausfrauen und Mädchen, Köche, und Köchinnen in jeder Küche, ober Anweisung zur besten und billigsten Bereitung aller Arten Speisen, Getränke, Bäckereien, Gelées, Gefrorenem &c. und fasslicher Anleitung im Spicken, Dressiren des Geflügels, Tranchiren, Einfassen der Schüsseln, Serviren der verschiedenen Speisen und Getränke, sowie im Einmachen verschiedener Früchte : mit besonderer Berücksichtung der Klimatischen Verhältnisse und Produckte Amerikas / von Wm. Vollmer.
APA Citation
Vollmer, W. (William)., Green, M., Vollmer, W. (William). (1874). The United States cook book: a complete manual for ladies, housekeepers, and cooks : with directions for preparing in the best and most economical manner, meats, vegetables, beverages, pastry, jellies, ices, etc., to lard and carve, to ornament and send to the table the different dishes and beverages, as also, to preserve different fruits, etc. : with particular reference to the climate and productions of the United States. Philadelphia: Schaefer & Koradi.
MLA Citation
Vollmer, Wm. (William), Mary Green, and Wm. (William) Vollmer. The United States Cook Book: a Complete Manual for Ladies, Housekeepers, And Cooks : With Directions for Preparing In the Best And Most Economical Manner, Meats, Vegetables, Beverages, Pastry, Jellies, Ices, Etc., to Lard And Carve, to Ornament And Send to the Table the Different Dishes And Beverages, As Also, to Preserve Different Fruits, Etc. : With Particular Reference to the Climate And Productions of the United States. Philadelphia: Schaefer & Koradi, 1874.