Trial and condemnation of Judas Woemaker,before Judge Hezekiah Honestman at the Court of Common Sense.
Report by Nathan Fidelity.
APA Citation
National Temperance Society (New York, N., Woemaker, J., Fidelity, N. (18731871). Trial and condemnation of Judas Woemaker,before Judge Hezekiah Honestman at the Court of Common Sense. New York: National Temperance Society and Publication House.
MLA Citation
National Temperance Society (New York, N.Y.), Judas Woemaker, and Nathan Fidelity. Trial And Condemnation of Judas Woemaker,before Judge Hezekiah Honestman At the Court of Common Sense. New York: National Temperance Society and Publication House, 18731871.