Bibelen eller den Heliga Skrift, innehällande Gamla och Nya Testamentets canoniska böcher. --
- Language(s)
- Published
New York : Amerikanska Bibel Sällskapet, 1900.
- Summary
A refutation of all arguments in favor of slavery, and outright condemnation of the practice. Proposes that only the discovery of America and the need for cheap labor brought back the slavery of "barbarous times" and refutes the idea that slavery rescues blacks from appalling conditions in Africa or improves their lot. He produces damning details of how Africans are procured and brought to America, attempting to show that slavery is inhumane, barbaric and cruel. He questions whether the system is defensible under any law, and denies that its cruelty justifies the economic advantage it gives the South. The tract ends with an appeal to those involved in the slave trade to quit the practice. Appended to Wesley's essay is a sermon extract from the Bishop of Gloucester.
- Physical Description
1095 p. ;
18 cm.
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Harvard University