Ecken aussfart.
Augsburg 1491. Mit Bibliographischen Nachweisen.
- Language(s)
- Published
Leipzig, M. Spirgatis, 1897.
- Note
Date of colophon correctly reads, not M.LXXXXI (with 400 omitted) but as given above ("d.h. natürlich im: 91. Jahre") cf. Pref.
Colophon: Gedruckt zů Auspurg von Hanssen Schawr vnd volendt am dornstag na ostern jm. LXXXXI.
Facsimile begins: Das ist herr Ecken aussfart wie er võ drey Künginn ward auss gesannt nach herr Dieterich von Berē den zů sůchen.
In the introduction, p.7, the editor states that the first leaf only of each signature is marked. It is to be noted that in the facsimile, B, C, E, G, I, and L bear no signature marks whatever.
Text photolithographed.
- Physical Description
51 p.
facsim. (112 ℓ. (last two blank) woodcuts)
15 cm.
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