Hadriani Iunii medici Emblemata /
ad D. Arnoldum Cobelium ; eiusdem Aenigmatum libellus, ad D. Arnoldum Rosenbergum.
- Related Names
Junius, Hadrianus, 1511-1575.
Plantin, Christophe, ca. 1520-1589, printer.
Huys, Pieter, 1519-1581, ill.
Nicolai, Arnaud, ill.
Kampen, Geeraard Jansen van, fl. 1564-1589, ill.
Plantijnsche Drukkerij
- Language(s)
- Published
Antuerpiae : Ex officina Christophori Plantini, MDLXV [1565]
- Note
Provenance: Bookplate of Willm. Hamper on front paste-down (motto: "Lege, sed elige"); bookplate of John Charrington, The Grange, Shenley, on front paste-down; "Henr. White, Lichfeild, Augusti 4 1806" inscribed in ink on Hamper bookplate.
Voet's variant B, with p. [64] lacking emblem.
Decorative border on every page; initials.
58 woodcut emblems by Geeraard Jansen van Kampen and Arnaud Nicolai after designs by Geoffroy Ballain and Pieter Huys (cf. Voet).
Printer's device on each title-page, with motto: "Labore et constantia".
Signatures: A-I K *.
"Hadriani Iunii medici Aenigmatum libellus ..." has separate title-page and register, with imprint identical to general title-page.
Colophon on K4v: "Excudebat Christophorus Plantinus Antuerpiae, anno MDLXV idibus Maii [May 1565]."
- Physical Description
149, [19] p. :
ill. (woodcuts) ;
17 cm (8vo)
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University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign