Divers voyages touching the discouerie of America, and the ilands adiacent vnto the same, made first of all by our Englishmen, and afterwards by the Frenchmen and Britons
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and certaine notes of aduertisements for obseruations necessarie for such as shall heereafter make the like attempt : with two mappes annexed heereunto for the plainer understanding of the whole matter.
APA Citation
Hakluyt, R. (1900). Divers voyages touching the discouerie of America, and the ilands adiacent vnto the same, made first of all by our Englishmen, and afterwards by the Frenchmen and Britons: and certaine notes of aduertisements for obseruations necessarie for such as shall heereafter make the like attempt : with two mappes annexed heereunto for the plainer understanding of the whole matter. [London?: s.n..
MLA Citation
Hakluyt, Richard, 1552?-1616. Divers Voyages Touching the Discouerie of America, And the Ilands Adiacent Vnto the Same, Made First of All by Our Englishmen, And Afterwards by the Frenchmen And Britons: And Certaine Notes of Aduertisements for Obseruations Necessarie for Such As Shall Heereafter Make the Like Attempt : With Two Mappes Annexed Heereunto for the Plainer Understanding of the Whole Matter. [London?: s.n., 1900.