A tour from the city of New-York, to Detroit, in the Michigan Territory, made between the 2d of May and the 23d of September, 1818
[electronic resource] :
the tour extends from New-York, by Albany, Schenectady, and Utica, to Sacket's Harbor, and thence through Lake Ontario, to St. Lawrence river, and down that stream to Hamilton village; thence along both banks of the St. Lawrence, from Hamilton to the Thousand Islands; thence to Sacket's Harbour by water; from that place by the route of great Sodus, Geneva, Canandaigua, and Eatavia, to Buffalo; and from thence to Black Rock, Fort Erie, the Falls of Niagara, Queenstown, Lewiston, and the memorable fields of Bridgewater and Chippewa. After viewing the interesting pass of Niagara, the author traversed the south shore of Lake Erie to the city of Detroit, and visited in the latter range Dunkirk, Erie, Cleveland, Sandusky, and other places of less note : the tour contains notices of what fell under the author's observation concerning the natural history and geography of the region over which his travels extended with brief remarks upon such remarkable events and characters as have contributed to give interest to different places /
by William Darby.
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- Published
New York : Published for the author, by Kirk & Mercein, and sold by Kirk & Mercein, A.T. Goodrich & Co. James Eastburn & Co., W.B. Gilley, Charles Wiley & Co., R. M'Dermut, William Hooker, andd Collins & Co. New York, and by some others of the principal booksellers in the United States, 1819
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University of Alberta