In the Supreme Court of British Columbia, on appeal to the full court between the Honorable George Anthony Walkem, plaintiff and David Williams Higgins, defendant; case on appeal
[electronic resource] :
H. Dallas Helmcken, solicitor for plaintiff, Theodore Davie, solicitor for defendant.
APA Citation
Walkem, G. Anthony., Higgins, D. Williams., British Columbia. Supreme Court. (1887). In the Supreme Court of British Columbia, on appeal to the full court between the Honorable George Anthony Walkem, plaintiff and David Williams Higgins, defendant; case on appeal: H. Dallas Helmcken, solicitor for plaintiff, Theodore Davie, solicitor for defendant. [Victoria, B.C.?: s.n.].
MLA Citation
Walkem, George Anthony, 1834-1908, David Williams Higgins, and British Columbia. Supreme Court. In the Supreme Court of British Columbia, On Appeal to the Full Court Between the Honorable George Anthony Walkem, Plaintiff And David Williams Higgins, Defendant; Case On Appeal: H. Dallas Helmcken, Solicitor for Plaintiff, Theodore Davie, Solicitor for Defendant. [Victoria, B.C.?: s.n.], 1887.