De profanis et sacris veteribus ritibus /
[auctore Ioanne Baptista Casalio Romano].
- Main Author
- Casali, Giovanni Battista, 1578-1648
- Related Names
Fei, Andrea, active 17th century
- Language(s)
- Latin
- Published
Romae : Ex typographia Andreę Phaei, 1644-1645.
- Subjects
Catholic Church
Catholic Church > Catholic Church / Customs and practices.
Rites and ceremonies
Rites and ceremonies > Rites and ceremonies / Egypt > Rites and ceremonies / Egypt / Early works to 1800.
Rites and ceremonies > Rites and ceremonies / Rome > Rites and ceremonies / Rome / Early works to 1800.
Rome (Empire)
Rome > Rome / Religion > Rome / Religion / Early works to 1800.
Egypt > Egypt / Religion > Egypt / Religion / Early works to 1800.
Early works
Woodcuts (prints) > Woodcuts (prints) / Italy > Woodcuts (prints) / Italy / 17th century.
Etchings (prints) > Etchings (prints) / Italy > Etchings (prints) / Italy / 17th century.
Engravings (prints) > Engravings (prints) / Italy > Engravings (prints) / Italy / 17th century.
- Note
Errata at end of pt. 3.
Includes indexes.
Signatures, pts. 1-2: pi⁴ [par.]⁶ A-M⁴ Nj⁶ N-2L⁴ a-b⁴. Pt. 3: pi⁴ [cross]⁴ 2[cross]²(2[cross]2+1) a-4b⁴.
Pts. 1-2 signed and paged continuously.
Letterpress t.p.'s of pts. 1-2 include engraved coats of arms of Cardinals Jules Mazarin and Alessandro Bichi, to whom they are separately dedicated. T.p. of pt. 3 is entirely engraved and includes arms of Innocent X, to whom that pt. is dedicated. Woodcut in-text ill. Twenty-four leaves of engraved and etched plates, some folded. Fei's woodcut device at colophon. Tail-pieces, initials.
Pts. 1-2 dated 1644; pt. 3, 1645.
Title for work as a whole from half title of 1st work. Author statement and imprint from separate t.p.'s of the 3 pts.
- Physical Description
3 pts. :
ill. ;
23 cm. (4to)
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