Nucleus emblematum selectissimorum :
quae Itali vulgo impresas vocant : priuata industria, studio singulari, vndiq[ue] conquisitus, non paucis venustis inuentionibus auctus, additis carminib[us] illustratus /
a Gabriele Rollenhagio Magdeburgense.
- Language(s)
Latin ; French
- Published
Coloniae : E Musaeo coelatorio Crispiani Passaei : [1611]
- Note
Engraved text by Crispin de Passe the Elder.
Main t.p., port. of Rollenhagen (p. [3]), and the 100 emblematic ill. were engraved by Crispijn de Passe the Elder; see Landwehr. The emblems are circular, with Latin motto around the perimeter and explanatory Latin couplet (occasionally four lines) engraved beneath. A few mottos and couplets are in French, Greek or Italian.
Date of publication taken from added t.p.
Added t.p., p. [17]: Les emblemes de Maistre Gabriel Rollenhague / mis en vers francois par vn professeur de la langue françoise a Colongne. Coloniae : Excudebat Seruatius Erffens : Prostant apud Ioannem Iansonium bibliopolam Arnheimensem, anno MDCXI [1611]. The added t.p. is followed by translations of the emblems in French verse, p. [20]-[48]. This section does not occur in all copies; see Landwehr.
- Physical Description
[48] p., 100 leaves of plates :
ill., port. ;
20 cm. (4to)
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