Het blyde Breda, ofte, Kort verhaal van de plegtige intrede van den allerdoorlugtigsten vorst Willem Carel Hendrik Friso, prince van Oranje en Nassau ... als heer en baron van Breda, ende haare koninklyke hoogheid Anna, kroonprincesse van Engeland, Schotland ... :
geschied op den XIII. van herfst-maand, MDCCXXXVII.
- Language(s)
Dutch ; Latin
- Published
In 's Gravenhage : By Jacobus van den Kieboom ; MDCCXXXVII [1737]
- Subjects
Anne, /
Consort of William IV, Prince of Orange,
Anne, / Consort of William IV, Prince of Orange, /
William /
William / IV, /
Prince of Orange,
William / IV, / Prince of Orange, /
Emblems /
Emblems / Netherlands /
Emblems / Netherlands / Breda /
Early works to 1800.
Triumphal arches
Triumphal arches /
Triumphal arches / Netherlands /
Triumphal arches / Netherlands / Breda /
Early works to 1800.
Fireworks /
Fireworks / Netherlands /
Fireworks / Netherlands / Breda /
Early works to 1800.
Royal visitors
Royal visitors /
Royal visitors / Netherlands /
Royal visitors / Netherlands / Breda /
Early works to 1800.
Breda (Netherlands)
Breda (Netherlands) /
Social life and customs
Breda (Netherlands) / Social life and customs /
Early works to 1800.
Copper engravings
Copper engravings /
Copper engravings / Netherlands /
18th century.
Festival books
Festival books /
Festival books / Netherlands /
18th century.
- Note
Illustrations: four double-leaf plates depicting triumphal arches at various locations in the city, one plate depicting a temple in front of the town-hall. Another double-leaf plate depicts fireworks in front of Prinselyk Hof. The plates are signed: "P. De Swart Archit. inv. delin., J. Besoet Sculp." or "J. besoet direxit". On p. 21 and 11 engraved vignettes depict medals issued for the occasion of the royal visit.
Includes descriptions of emblems that are part of the festive decorations.
"Kerk-reden over num. vi. 24-26. ter gelegenheid van d'inhuldiging van Syne doorlugtigste hoogheid Willem Karel Hendrik Friso, prince van Oranje en Nassau, als herr en baron van Breda, ende van haare koninklyke hoogheid Anna, kroonprincesse van Groot-Brittanje, uitgesprooken op den 15. september 1737 door Gabriel van den Velde ..."--P. [1]-11 at the end.
Includes poem in Latin by Philip Willem Croyzé (p. [23]-42) with separate title page: Urbis Bredae celsissimum arausionis Principem, Guilelmum Carolum Henricum Frisonem Nassavium, supremum Gelriae, Frisiae et Groningae ... unaque illustrissimam [et] omnium virtutum dotibus pretiosissimam conjugem, Annam, Regiam Principem recipientis vota & gaudia A.D. XIII. September MDCCXXXVII.
Includes dedication by P. de Swart.
Woodcut title vignette and initial.
- Physical Description
60, 11, [1] p. (the last page blank), [6] leaves of plates (some folded) :
ill. (copper engravings) ;
33 cm. (fol.)
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