Pratica di fabricar scene e machine ne' teatri /
di Nicola Sabbattini da Pesaro ...
- Language(s)
- Published
In Rauenna : Per Pietro de' Paoli e Gio. Battista Giouannelli stampatori ..., 1638.
- Edition
Ristampata di nouo coll'aggiunta del secondo libro.
- Note
Woodcut coat of arms on t.p. of Honorato Visconti, to whom the work is dedicated. Printer's device at colophon. Woodcut in-text ill. and diagrams. Initials.
Signatures: a⁶ A-X⁴.
Includes separate indexes for Libri 1 & 2.
Date from t.p.; colophon dated 1637.
Book 1 was previously printed at Pesaro in 1637. Cf. prelim. p. 12.
- Physical Description
12, 168 pages :
illustrations, diagrams ;
25 cm (fol.)