Stability of a high-speed plasma stream /
by B.R. Suydam.
- Language(s)
- Published
Los Alamos, N.M. : Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory of the University of California, 1961.
- Summary
The stability of a plasma streaming along the lines of a magnetic field is considered. The flow is assumed to be at high speed in the sense that the kinetic energy density dominates both the thermal and the magnetic field energy densities. It is found that the flow is stable if the stream lines are straight, is unstable with growth speeds of the order of sound or Alfven speed if the stream lines bend away from the axis of the stream, and is catastrophically unstable if the stream lines bend toward the axis.
- Note
"Report written: July 1961 ; Report distributed: November 9, 1961."
"Contract W-7405-ENG.36 with the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission."
"Controlled Thermonuclear Processes (TID-4500, 16th Ed.)."
- Physical Description
24 leaves ;
28 cm.
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