The aerodynamic design and calibration of an asymmetric variable Mach number nozzle with sliding block for the Mach number range 1.27 to 2.75 /
Paige B. Burbank and Robert W. Byrne.
- Language(s)
- Published
Washington, D.C. : National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 1951.
- Summary
A method of designing an aymmetric, fixed-geometry, variable Mach number nozzle has been developed by using the method of characteristics. A small nozzle conforming to the analytically determined ordinates was a constructed and calibrated over a range of Mach numbers extending from 1.27 to 2.75. The results show the variation in Mach number to be plus or minus 0.02 or less and in the flow direction to be plus or minus 0.2 degrees within the test section. The range of Mach numbers 1.27 to 2.75 was obtained by translating the lower block in a straight line parallel to the test-section center line for a distance of 2.17 test-section heights.
- Note
"March 15, 1951."
- Physical Description
47 p. :
ill. ;
27 cm.
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