al-Juzʼ al-khāmis wa-al-ʻashrūn min Sīrat Fāris al-ʻIrāq :
man zalzala jamīʻ al-āfāq wa-shattat al-mulūk min al-ṭibāq, al-fāris al-mumāris wa-al-asad al-mutāris al-Malik Asad al-Fawāris,
[1312, i.e. 1895].
الجزء الخامس والعشرون من سيرة فارس العراق : من زلزل جميع الافاق وشتت الملوك من الطباق, الفارس الممارس والاسد المتارس الملك اسد الفوارس, [1312ه، 1895م].
- Language(s)
- Published
- Summary
Twenty-fifth of twenty-five volumes containing a collection of the epic tales of al-Malik Asad al-Fawāris ibn Jūdar [Jawdar], the fāris of ʻIrāq, in the manner of the Arabic heroic narrative (sīrah shaʻbīyah) apparently compiled in the present form by Muḥammad ibn Sulayman ʻArafāt (fl.1895) and Amīn ibn Muḥammad al-Sārī (fl.1895).
- Note
Shelfmark: Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Special Collections Research Center, Isl. Ms. 653 v.25
Origin: As appears in colophon on pp.112-113, authored by Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥājj Sulaymān ʻArafāt and Amīn ibn Muḥammad al-Sārī. All volumes presumably copied by Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥājj Sulaymān ʻArafāt with transcription of the set completed 20 Dhū al-Ḥijjah 1312 [ca. 14 June 1895].
Accompanying materials: For acquisitions slip and inventory cataloguing slip, see volume 1 of the set, Isl. Ms. v.1.
Former shelfmark: From verso of opening leaf (p.2), "IL 163" (likely supplied by Yahuda, see acquisitions slip in volume 1, Isl. Ms. 653 v.1).
Binding: Lacks cover ; numeral ٢٥ (indicating volume number) inscribed on outer leaves ; somewhat crudely sewn in beige yarn or twine, six and four stations ; overall in fair condition despite lacking cover, with much staining, some tears, etc.
Support: European laid paper with 9-10 laid lines per cm. (vertical), chain lines spaced 23-26 mm. apart (horizontal), and watermark of three crescents (78 mm. long, perpendicular to chains) above 'FERDINANDO BETTI' itself above word in Arabic script (see p.2, 62, 64, etc.).
Script: Ruqʻah ; virtually serifless with slight effect of tilt to the left and of words descending to baseline (occasionally more exaggerated), mainly closed counters, some elongation of horizontal strokes, point of final nūn often set deep within bowl, pointing (for two and three dots) varies from strokes or conjoined dots to distinct dots.
Layout: Written in 15 lines per page, occasionally divided to two columns to set off poetry.
Collation: 2 VIII(32), VII (46), VIII (62) ; three octonions and a septenion ; final five leaves left blank ; pagination in black ink, Hindu-Arabic numerals, center of the upper margin ; pagination in pencil, Western numerals, supplied during digitization (includes outermost leaves).
Colophon: "Authorial" and "Scribal," reads "حمدا لمن قص على افضل خلقه احسن القصص ... اما بعد فقد تم بعونه من نور النهار وجعل الليل دامس نسخ السيرة الجليلة المنيعة [؟] عما جري من اخبار الملك اسد الفوارس فهي سيرة جليلة واخبار بديعة غريبة ... وكان الملتزم لنسخها عبد ربه غافر الزلات محمد ابن الحاج سليمان عرفات وقد الفها عبيد ربهم الباري محمد سليمان عرفات وامين ابن محمد الساري وفاح مسك الختام ولاح بدر التمام في ٢٠ الحجة عام اثنى عشر والف وثلثمائة من هجرة النبي الاعظم صلى الله عليه وسلم وعظم وشرف وكرم ... امين"
Explicit: "فتولى الملك ابا الافهاد وعدل بين العباد الى ان اتاهم هادم اللذات ومفرق الجماعات فسبحان من لا يانام ولا يموت وهو الله الحي القيوم وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد النبي الامي وعلى اله وصحبه وسلم"
Incipit: "وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد النبي الامي وعلى اله وصحبه وسلم قال الراوي وقد وقع الشيخ ابراهيم ابن ابي الخيرات وهو يقول اشهد ان لا اله الا الله واشهد ان سيدنا ابراهيم خليل الله ..."
Title from 'title page' (p.3).
Ms. codex.
Inscription in hasty and freely ligatured ruqʻah on verso of leaf carrying close of text (p.114) apparently dated 27 Shawwāl 1317 [ca. 28 February 1900] ; occasional marginal corrections.
- Physical Description
62 leaves :
paper ;
224 x 163 (190 x 110-115) mm
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University of Michigan