Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery during the time of Lord Chancellor Lyndhurst, with a few during the time of Lord Chancellor Cottenham /
by T.J. Phillips.
- Related Names
Smith, E. Fitch.
Dunlap, John A., 1793?-1858?
Cottenham, Charles Christopher Pepys, Earl of, 1781-1851.
Lyndhurst, John Singleton Copley, Baron, 1772-1863.
Phillips, Thomas Jodrell.
- Language(s)
- Published
New York : Banks, Gould & Co. ; 1848-50.
- Note
"With notes and references to both English and American decisions" By John A. Dunlap, v. 1; by E. Fitch Smith, v. 2
Vol. II has title: Reports of cases argued and determined ... during the time of Lord Chancellor Cottenham
- Physical Description
2 v. ;
25 cm