The photon energy response of several ionization chamber instruments /
by Donald A. McKown, Ellery Storm.
- Language(s)
- Published
Los Alamos, N.M. : Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory of the University of California, 1962.
- Summary
The photon energy response of several radiation survey meters and pocket dosimeters was measured over an energy range of 8 to 1250 kev. Measurements were also taken with the meters in different orientations and with open and closed shield. The devices selected for these measurements are all ionization chamber instruments in routine or special use at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory.
- Note
"LA (Series) (Los Alamos, N.M.) ; 2679."
"Contract W-7405-ENG.36 with the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission."
"LA-2679 ; Instruments ; TID-4500, 17th Ed."
"Report written: February 1962 ; Report distributed: July 18, 1962."
- Physical Description
25 p. :
ill. ;
28 cm.
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