al-Lughāt fī al-hijrah :
al-taḥawwulāt wa-al-rihānāt al-jadīdah : ashghāl al-nadwah al-dawlīyah al-munaẓẓamah min qibali Majlis al-Jālīyah al-Maghribīyah bi-al-khārij bi-al-Rabāṭ, yawmay 24 wa 25 Yūnyū 2010.
اللغات في الهجرة : التحولات والرهانات الجديدة : أشغال الندوة الدولية المنظمة من قبل مجلس الجالية المغربية بالخارج بالرباط، يومي 24 و 25 يونيو 2010
- Related Names
Conseil de la communauté marocaine à l'étranger.
- Language(s)
- Arabic
- Published
al-Rabāṭ : Majlis al-Jālīyah al-Maghribīyah bi-al-khārij ; [2012]
- Subjects
Islam /
Islam / Europe /
Islam / Europe / History /
Muslims > Muslims / Civil rights > Muslims / Civil rights / Europe > Muslims / Civil rights / Europe / Congresses.
Language and languages > Language and languages / Emigration and immigration > Language and languages / Emigration and immigration / Congresses.
Immigrants > Immigrants / Europe > Immigrants / Europe / Language > Immigrants / Europe / Language / Congresses.
Moroccans > Moroccans / Europe > Moroccans / Europe / Languages > Moroccans / Europe / Languages / Congresses.
Arabic language > Arabic language / Social aspects > Arabic language / Social aspects / Europe > Arabic language / Social aspects / Europe / Congresses.
Emigration and immigration law > Emigration and immigration law / Morocco > Emigration and immigration law / Morocco / Congresses.
Multilingualism > Multilingualism / Morocco > Multilingualism / Morocco / Congresses.
Languages in contact > Languages in contact / Morocco > Languages in contact / Morocco / Congresses.
Morocco > Morocco / Emigration and immigration > Morocco / Emigration and immigration / Congresses.
Europe > Europe / Emigration and immigration > Europe / Emigration and immigration / Congresses.
Morocco > Morocco / Languages > Morocco / Languages / Congresses.
- Physical Description
407 pages :
illustrations ;
24 cm
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