Steady vibrations of wing of circular plan form, and, theory of wing of circular plan form /
by N.E. Kochin.
- Language(s)
- Published
Washington, D.C. : NACA, 1953.
- Summary
This paper treats the problem of determining the lift, moment, and induced drag of a thin wing of circular plan form in uniform incompressible flow on the basis of linearized theory. As contrasted to a similar paper by Kinner, in which the acceleration potential method was used, the present paper utilizes the concept of velocity potential. Calculations of the lift and moment are presented for several deformed shapes. It is shown that considerable deviations exist between the strip theory analysis and the more exact theory. The lift, moment, and induced drag are also determined for a harmonically oscillatory circular plan form wing. As constrasted [sic.] to a similar paper by Schade, in which the acceleration potential method was used, the present paper utilizes the concept of the velocity potential. Expressions for lift, moment, and induced drag are given and finally specialized to the case of a slowly oscillating circular wing.
- Note
"Translation of "Ob ustanovivshikhsya kolebaniyakh kryla krugovoi formy v plane." Prikladnaya Matematika i Mekhanika, Vol. VI, 1942. and "Teoriya kryla konechnogo razmakha krugovoi formy v plane." Prikladnaya Matematika i Mekhanika, Vol. IV, 1940."
"Report date January 1953."
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- Physical Description
93 p. :
ill. ;
27 cm.
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State University System of Florida
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State University System of Florida