Elements of the integral calculus,
with a key to the solution of differential equatons, and A short table of integrals.
- Language(s)
- Published
Boston, Ginn & Co., 1888.
- Edition
2d ed., rev. and enl.
- Note
Part of: Theodore P. Hill collection of early American mathematics books.
"A short table of integrals", compiled by B.O. Peirce, p.[1]-28 at end has separate t.-p.
A sequel to the author's work on differential calculus, chapter v of which (Integration) is here reprinted as an appendix.
Bancroft QA308.B9 1888: Theodore P. Hill collection of Early American Mathematics Books.
- Physical Description
xvi, 355 p., 65-76, 32 p.
incl. tables, diagrs.
22 cm.