Take-off distances of a supersonic transport configuration as affected by airplane rotation during the take-off run /
by Albert W. Hall.
- Language(s)
- Published
Washington, [D.C.] : National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1961.
- Summary
The take-off distances over a 35-foot obstacle have been determined for a supersonic transport configuration characterized by a low maximum lift coefficient at a high angle of attack and by high drag due to lift. These distances were determined analytically by means of an electronic digital computer. The effects of rotation speed, rotation angle, and rotation time were determined. A few configuration changes were made to determine the effects of thrust-weight ratio, wing loading, maximum lift coefficient, and induced drag on the take-off distance. The required runway lengths based on Special Civil Air Regulation No. SR-422B were determined for various values of rotation speed and compared with those based on full engine power. Increasing or decreasing the rotation speed as much as 5 knots from the value at which the minimum take-off distance occurred increased the distance only slightly more than 1 percent for the configuration studied. Under-rotation by 1° to 1.5° increased the take-off distance by 9 to 15 percent. Increasing the time required for rotation from 3 to 5 seconds had a rather small effect on the take-off distance when the values of rotation speed were near the values which result in the shortest take-off distance. When the runway length is based on full engine power rather than on SR-422B, the rotation speed which results in the shortest required runway length is 10 knots lower and the runway length is 4.3 percent less.
- Note
Report Number: L-1728.
Document ID: 19980228266.
"NASA TN D-982."
"Langley Research Center, Langley Air Force Base, Va."
"October 1961."
Cover title.
Also available from the NASA Technical Reports Server (http://ntrs.nasa.gov/). Address as of 4/11/07: http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19980228266_1998393645.pdf.
- Physical Description
21 p. :
ill. ;
26 cm.
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University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign