Comparison of hinge moments for a simple delta wing and a delta-wing orbiter concept at mach 6 /
by George C. Ashby.
- Language(s)
- Published
Washington, DC : National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1972.
- Summary
Elevon hinge moments were determined from measured surface pressures on a typical delta-wing shuttle orbiter model at selective deflection angles for comparison with the extensive experimental and analytical hinge-moment data previously reported for a simple 75 [degrees] delta wing with a trailing-edge control. The angles of attack were from 0 [degrees] to 55 [degrees] at elevondeflection angles of -45.5 [degrees], O [degrees], and 20°. The results show that the elevon hinge moments on the shuttle orbiter are essentially the same as those measured earlier for the more basic model. Also included is an appendix describing a cubic spline function technique used to determine the hinge moments from elevon surface-pressure measurements.
- Physical Description
18 S :
Ill., graph. Darst.
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University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign