Mower County Aerial Survey 1949 Dexter Township Sections 29, 30, 31 and 32; 1f94
- Published
Mower County Historical Society, 1303 Sixth Avenue SW, Austin, MN 55912; 6/15/1949
- Summary
Aerial View of Dexter Township Sections 29, 30, 31 and 32 shows farmland, trees, roads and homes. County Roads 20 and 46 provides routes of transportation in this area, adding that Interstate 90 would be years away, but would also follow the same route as State Highway 16 along the southern border of Sections 31 and 32. Maple Leaf Rural School District 106 stands on the southwest corner of Section 29. Trinity Lutheran Cemetery rests on the south side of Section 29, and Trinity Lutheran Church stands across the road on the northwest corner of Section 32. This image was produced by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Production and Marketing Administration for Mower County, Minnesota: Symbol VY USDA 442-49 Item 3 Scale 1:20,000 Flying Completed July 16, 1949, and index copied July 29, 1949. Photography conducted by Park Aerial Surveys, Inc., Louisville, Kentucky.
- Note
United States
Dexter Township
- Use and Reproduction Note
Permission to put this on line was granted by James W. Sewall Company. Contact the Mower County Historical Society for permission to use this image for other purposes. Contact James W. Sewall Company for public publications.
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