Rabbi Milgrom at Hillel Seder
- Published
Jewish Historical Society of the Upper Midwest, 4330 S. Cedar Lake Road, Minneapolis, MN 55416. http://www.jhsum.org/asp_pages/index.asp 1950
- Summary
The U of M Hillel Society was founded in 1940, with Rabbi Milgrom its first director. By 1941 the membership of more than 500 enjoyed a full agenda of programs including classes, discussion groups, debate, drama and social activities. The lack of a permanent home was an issue as early as 1943, and the UJFC sanctioned a fund drive in 1945. A permanent building (the current one) was purchased in 1956. Even without a home, activities included a model Seder, Friday night services and dinners, and activities, such as vocational guidance, for returning veteran students.
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United States
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