The substance of the speech of John Adolphus, Esq., before a select committee of the House of Commons, in summing up the case of the English ship-builders on their petition respecting ships built in India, on Monday, May 23, and Tuesday, May 24, 1814 :
Sir Robert Peel, bart., in the chair.
APA Citation
Adolphus, J., East India Company., Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Select Committee on East India-built Shipping. (1814). The substance of the speech of John Adolphus, Esq., before a select committee of the House of Commons, in summing up the case of the English ship-builders on their petition respecting ships built in India, on Monday, May 23, and Tuesday, May 24, 1814: Sir Robert Peel, bart., in the chair. London: Printed by T. Davison.
MLA Citation
Adolphus, John, 1768-1845, East India Company, and Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Select Committee on East India-built Shipping. The Substance of the Speech of John Adolphus, Esq., Before a Select Committee of the House of Commons, In Summing Up the Case of the English Ship-builders On Their Petition Respecting Ships Built In India, On Monday, May 23, And Tuesday, May 24, 1814: Sir Robert Peel, Bart., In the Chair. London: Printed by T. Davison, 1814.