Progressing towards TB elimination :
a follow-up to the Framework Action Plan to Fight Tuberculosis in the European Union
- Language(s)
- Published
Stockholm : European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, 2010
- Summary
"The Framework Action Plan to Fight Tuberculosis in the European Union was launched by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) in 2008. On the basis of a request of the EU Health Commissioner to develop a monitoring framework in support of the plan, ECDC has now produced a Follow-up to the Framework Action Plan. The objectives of the Follow-up to the Framework Action Plan are: to provide an overview of the current strategic environment for TB control in the EU and outline how this relates to the global situation; and, to describe an epidemiological and strategic monitoring framework that would allow progress towards elimination of TB in the EU to be assessed"--p. 1
- Note
"The plan was developed by the disease-specific programme for TB, following a request from the European Commission"--T.p. verso
"doi.10.2900/34915"--T.p. verso
"November 2010."
- Physical Description
v, 29 pages :
color illustrations, color map ;
30 cm