The castel of memorie
[by] Gulielmus Gratarolus.
- Language(s)
- Published
Amsterdam : Theatrum Orbis Terrarum; 1971.
- Note
Original t.p. reads: The castel of memorie: wherein is conteyned the restoring, augumenting, and conseruing of the memorye and remembraunce, with the safest remedies, and best preceptes therevnto in any wise apperteyning: made by Gulielmus Gratarolus Bergomatis, doctor of artes and phisike. Englished by Willyam Fulvvod. The contentes whereof appeare in the page next folovvynge. Printed at Londõ by Rouland Hall dvvellyuge in Gutter Lane, at the signe of the Half Egle & the Keye, 1562.
STC 12191.
- Physical Description
1 v. (unpaged)
16 cm.