"The time of the end:"
a prophetic period, developing, as predicted, an increase of knowledge respecting the prophecies and periods that foretell the end: illustrated by the history of prophetic interpretation, the expectation of the church and the various computations of the times of Daniel and John,
by commentators, who generally terminate them between A. D. 1830 and 1860. Also, "Our present position in the prophetic calendar," with his "Apocalytic seven-sealed scroll," by the Rev. E. B. Elliott, A. M.; lectures on the nature and nearness of the advent, by the Rev. John Cumming, D. D.; lectures on the new heavens and new earth by Dr. Chalmers, Dr. Hitchcock, and John Wesley; and the testimony of more than one hundred witnesses against the modern Whitbyan theory of a millennium before the advent. By a Congregationalist ...



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