Estatu-Krisia eta Europari buruzko Biltzarra :
[batzar-agiriak] = Congreso sobre la Crisis del Estado y Europa = Conference on the Crisis of the State and Europe.
- Language(s)
Spanish ; English ; French
- Published
Gasteiz : Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Argitalpen-Zerbitzu Nagusia, 1988.
- Edition
1a ed.
- Note
Chiefly Spanish; one article each in English and French; introductory matter also in Basque.
"Contains the invited and contributed papers given in the Conference on the Crisis of the State and Europe, held in Villa Suso in Vitoria-Gasteiz between the 19th and the 23rd of October 1987"--Introd.
- Physical Description
xxvi, 185 p. ;
30 cm.