Purdon's digest :
a digest of the laws of Pennsylvania : from the year one thousand seven hundred to the twenty-eighth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three /
the first four editions by the late John Purdon, esq., the fifth, sixth and seventh by the Hon. George M. Stroud.
- Language(s)
- Published
Philadelphia : J. Kay,Jun. & Brother, 1853.
- Edition
8th ed., revised /
- Note
Volumes for 1854 and 1859 wanting in L.C. set
Each volume paged continuously with the main work
"With the digest of each current year will be reprinted the annual digests of preceding years; and an index, annually prepared, will incorporate the contents of them all in one alphabet"--Advertisement, 1855
Brightly's Purdon's annual digests for 1854 to 1860. On the plan and in continuation of Stroud and Brightly's Purdon - 1700 to 1853. Annual digest of the laws of Pennsylvania for each of the years from 1853 to 1860; namely from 28 May 1853 to 3 May 1860. Together with some laws of older date inadvertently omitted in Purdon's digest - 1700 to 1853; marginal references; a digested syllabus of each title; foot notes to the judicial decisions: and a full and exhaustive index, in which the contents of all these annual digests are incorporated in one alphabet. The whole completing Stroud and Brightly's Purdon's digest to the present date. By Frederick C. Brightly ... Philadelphia, Kay & brother, 185 -60
"A list of some words and phrases frequent in acts of Assembly and legal proceedings, and references to authorities where their meaning has been explained or discussed ...": p. [xxvii]-xxx
First edition, 1811, has title: An abridgement of the laws of Pennsylvania
Lettered on cover: Purdon's digest. 1700-1853
- Physical Description
xxx, 1050 p. ;
27 cm
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University of Michigan