Les Reports de Edvvard Coke L'attorney generall le Roigne [1572-1617]
de diuers Resolutions, & Iudgements donnes auec graund deliberation, per les tresreuerendes Iudges, & sages de la ley, de cases & matters en ley queux ne fueront vnques resolue, ou aiuges par deuant, & les raisons, & causes des dits resolutions & Iudgements ... [1572-1617]
- Language(s)
Romance (Other) ; Latin ; English
- Published
Londini, in aedibus Thomae Wight [etc.] [1600]-1659
- Note
"Un auter catalogue de tiels livres del common ley, & les autheurs dyceux queux sont recite in le preface al dixiesme livre de les reports de Sir Edw. Coke, chevalier, &c.": [2] p. at end of pt. 11, following the general table
Un general table, a touts les several livres de Les reports de le tresreverend judge, Sir Edward Coke, chevalier ... ovesque deux catalogues alphabetical; lun de les principal cases, lauter de touts les general titles naturallement surdant hors del matter des dits Reports. London, Printed by John Streater, Eliz. Flesher, and Henry Twyford, assignes of Richard Atkyns and Edward Atkyns [etc.] 1672. (1 p. l., [166] p. appended to pt. 11)
The parts in this copy, apparently of the 1st edition, are dated as follows: [Pt. 1, 1600]; pt. 2, n.d.; pt. 3, 1602; pt. 4, 1604; pt. 5, 1605; pt. 6. 1607; pt. 7, 1608; pt. 8, 1611; pt. 9, 1613; pt. 10, 1614; pt. 11, 1615; pt. 12, 1656; [pt. 13] 1659
Parts 5-11 are printed by the Societie [or Companie] of Stationers; part 12, by T.R. for H. Twyford and T. Dring; part 13, by T. Roycroft for J. Sherley, H. Twyford, and T. Dring
Part 5 has title in Latin and English, and contains, besides the preface, a treatise "Of the king's ecclesiasticall law" in Latin and English. Parts 12-13 are in English, translated from the author's manuscript after his death. Part 12 has a short preface by Edward Bulstrod; part 13, one by J.G
Parts 1-11 are in French, with the pleadings in Latin, and each has a preface by Coke in Latin and English
Issued in 13 parts; each part has special t.-p.; general t.-p. in v. 1 only; the 13th part has title: Certain select cases in lavv, reported: by Sir Edward Coke, knight
General title within architectural border; initials; printer's ornaments; manuscript notes
- Physical Description
13 v. in 10.
26-29 cm