Mary Lambert's Raven takes periodical flights scattering the thoughts of its author over the world in verse, essay, story, drama and song, obeying the injuction of Kings 111-xvii: I have commanded the ravens to feed thee."
APA Citation
Tucker, M. Eliza Perine. (1925). Mary Lambert's Raven takes periodical flights scattering the thoughts of its author over the world in verse, essay, story, drama and song, obeying the injuction of Kings 111-xvii: I have commanded the ravens to feed thee.". Oakland, Calif.: The Raven publishing co..
MLA Citation
Tucker, Mary Eliza Perine, b. 1838. Mary Lambert's Raven Takes Periodical Flights Scattering the Thoughts of Its Author Over the World In Verse, Essay, Story, Drama And Song, Obeying the Injuction of Kings 111-xvii: I Have Commanded the Ravens to Feed Thee.". Oakland, Calif.: The Raven publishing co., 1925.