A booke called the foundacion of rhetorike :
because all other partes of rhetorike are grounded thereupon, euery parte sette forthe in an oracion upon questions, verie profitable to bee knowen and redde /
made by Richard Rainolde ...
APA Citation
Rainolde, R., Aphthonius, a. 4th century. (1563). A booke called the foundacion of rhetorike: because all other partes of rhetorike are grounded thereupon, euery parte sette forthe in an oracion upon questions, verie profitable to bee knowen and redde. London: Imprinted by I. Kingston.
MLA Citation
Rainolde, Richard, -1606, and active 4th century Aphthonius. A Booke Called the Foundacion of Rhetorike: Because All Other Partes of Rhetorike Are Grounded Thereupon, Euery Parte Sette Forthe In an Oracion Upon Questions, Verie Profitable to Bee Knowen And Redde. London: Imprinted by I. Kingston, 1563.