Conference record :
NTC '82, systems for the eighties /
the National Telesystems Conference, November 7-10, 1982, Galveston, Texas, Marriott's Hotel Galvez ; sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., Houston Section, [and] Galveston Bay Section, [and] Aerospace and Electronics System Society
APA Citation
IEEE National Telesystems Conference (1982 : Galveston, T., IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society., Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Galveston Bay Section., Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Houston Section. (1982). Conference record: NTC '82, systems for the eighties. New York, NY: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
MLA Citation
IEEE National Telesystems Conference (1982 : Galveston, Tex.), IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Galveston Bay Section, and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Houston Section. Conference Record: NTC '82, Systems for the Eighties. New York, NY: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1982.