Sino-American treaty of friendship, commerce & navigation =
Zhonghua min kuo Meilijian gong he guo you hao tong shang hang hai tiao yue : fu Zhong Mei guan yu qu xiao zai Hua zhi wai fa quan ji qi ta chu li you guan wen ti tiao yue.
Sino-American treaty of friendship, commerce & navigation = 中華民國美利堅共和國友好通商航海條約 : 附中美關於取消在華治外法權及其他處理有關問題條約
- Language(s)
English ; Chinese
- Published
Shanghai : Guo ji chu ban she, Min guo 35 [1946]
- Note
On cover: Zhong Mei you hao tong shang hang hai tiao yue Treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation between the United States of America and the Republic of China. With Sino-American treaty for the relinquishment of extraterritorial rights and the regulation of related matters. [Shanghai] International Publishers [1946]
Cover title.
- Physical Description
30, 10, 12, 34 p. ;
19 cm.