Letters and essays on the small-pox and inoculation, the measles, the dry belly-ache, the yellow, and remitting, and intermitting fevers of the west Indies :
to which are added, thoughts on the hydrocephalus Internus, and observations on hydatides in the heads of cattle by different practitioners
APA Citation
Elliot, C., Murray, J., Real Colegio de Cirugía de San Carlos (Madrid). (1778). Letters and essays on the small-pox and inoculation, the measles, the dry belly-ache, the yellow, and remitting, and intermitting fevers of the west Indies: to which are added, thoughts on the hydrocephalus Internus, and observations on hydatides in the heads of cattle by different practitioners. London: printed for J. Murray ... and C. Elliot, Edinburgh.
MLA Citation
Elliot, Charles, (Edimburgo), J. Murray, and Real Colegio de Cirugía de San Carlos (Madrid). Letters And Essays On the Small-pox And Inoculation, the Measles, the Dry Belly-ache, the Yellow, And Remitting, And Intermitting Fevers of the West Indies: to Which Are Added, Thoughts On the Hydrocephalus Internus, And Observations On Hydatides In the Heads of Cattle by Different Practitioners. London: printed for J. Murray ... and C. Elliot, Edinburgh, 1778.