Sir John Oldcastle "written by William Shakespeare";
date of earliest known editions (two in same year) 1600 (B.M. press-marks, C.34, 1.1., & C.34, 1.2) next issued in the third folio Shakespeare, 1664; also issued in the folio of 1684;
reproduced in facsimile, 1911.
- Related Names
Hathway, Richar, fl. 1602.
Wilson, Robert, -1600.
Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633.
Drayton, Michael, 1563-1631.
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616.
- Language(s)
- Published
London, Tudor facsimile texts, 1911.
- Subjects
Oldcastle, John,
Oldcastle, John, /
Oldcastle, John, / Sir, /
Oldcastle, John, / Sir, / -1417 /
- Note
With facsimile of the t.-p. of another edition (also dated 1600, but probably not printed till 1619) which ascribed the play to Shakespeare. According to Henslowe's diary the authors were Drayton, Munday, Robert Wilson, and Richard Hathway. It was evidently intended as a reply to Shakespeare's Henry IV.
Facsimile of original title: The first part of the true and honorable historie, of the life of Sir John Old-castle, the good Lord Cobham. As it hath been lately acted by the right honorable the Earle of Notingham Lord high Admirall of England his seruants. [printer's mark] Printed by V.S. for Thomas Pauier. 1600.
- Physical Description
[76] p.
27 sm.
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