Department of Energy programmatic spent nuclear fuel management and Idaho National Engineering Laboratory environmental restoration and waste management programs :
record of decision /
United States Department of Energy.
- Related Names
United States. Department of Energy.
United States. Department of Energy.
United States. Department of Energy.
- Language(s)
- English
- Published
[Idaho Falls, Idaho] : U.S. Dept. of Energy. Office of Environmental Management [and] Idaho Operations Office ; [1995]
- Subjects
Idaho National Engineering Laboratory
Idaho National Engineering Laboratory > Idaho National Engineering Laboratory / Sanitation.
Spent reactor fuels > Spent reactor fuels / Storage > Spent reactor fuels / Storage / Environmental aspects
Radioactive wastes > Radioactive wastes / Government policy
Radioactive waste sites > Radioactive waste sites / Environmental aspects
Radioactive waste disposal > Radioactive waste disposal / Environmental aspects
Hazardous waste site remediation > Hazardous waste site remediation / Environmental aspects
Environmental impact statements
Environmental impact statements > Environmental impact statements / Idaho > Environmental impact statements / Idaho / Idaho National Laboratory Region.
Environmental impact statements > Environmental impact statements / United States.
Hazardous waste site remediation > Hazardous waste site remediation / Environmental aspects > Hazardous waste site remediation / Environmental aspects / Idaho > Hazardous waste site remediation / Environmental aspects / Idaho / Idaho National Laboratory Region.
Spent reactor fuels > Spent reactor fuels / Storage > Spent reactor fuels / Storage / Environmental aspects > Spent reactor fuels / Storage / Environmental aspects / Idaho > Spent reactor fuels / Storage / Environmental aspects / Idaho / Idaho National Laboratory Region.
Radioactive waste disposal > Radioactive waste disposal / Environmental aspects > Radioactive waste disposal / Environmental aspects / Idaho > Radioactive waste disposal / Environmental aspects / Idaho / Idaho National Laboratory Region.
Radioactive wastes > Radioactive wastes / Government policy > Radioactive wastes / Government policy / United States.
Radioactive waste sites > Radioactive waste sites / Environmental aspects > Radioactive waste sites / Environmental aspects / United States.
Radioactive waste disposal > Radioactive waste disposal / Environmental aspects > Radioactive waste disposal / Environmental aspects / United States.
Radioactive wastes > Radioactive wastes / Management > Radioactive wastes / Management / Environmental aspects > Radioactive wastes / Management / Environmental aspects / United States.
Spent reactor fuels > Spent reactor fuels / Management > Spent reactor fuels / Management / Environmental aspects > Spent reactor fuels / Management / Environmental aspects / United States.
United States
Idaho > Idaho / Idaho National Laboratory Region
- Note
"May 30, 1995"--Letter of transmittal.
Cover title.
- Physical Description
50 p. ;
28 cm.
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