Report on the Department of agriculture, St. Lucia ...
- Language(s)
- Published
Castries, St. Lucia [etc., 1888]-19
- Note
Title varies: 1887/88-18 First- annual report on the Botanical garden. 1900/01, Annual report [etc.] 1901/02, Report on the Botanic station, Agricultural school and experiment station, and cacao and other experiment plots, Saint Lucia. 1902/03, Reports on the Botanic station, Agricultural school, experiment station and cacao and cotton plots, St. Lucia. 1903/04-1904/05, Reports on the Botanic station, Agricultural school, experiment station and experiment plots, St. Lucia. 1905/06-1910/11, Reports on the Botanic station, Agricultural school, and experiment plots, St. Lucia. 1911/12-1934, Report on the Agricultural department, St. Lucia. 1935- Report on the Department of agriculture, St. Lucia.
At head of title, 1901/02-29 : Imperial dept. of agriculture for the West Indies; 1930-38 : Advisory dept. of the Imperial college of agriculture.
- Physical Description
plates, tables.