The Tatler; or, Lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq.
- Language(s)
- Published
London : Printed for J. and R. Tonson, J. Buckland, H. Woodfall [etc.] 1764.
- Note
Each vol. has a separate index.
271 numbers, originally issued in folio, three times a week, April 12, 1709, to January 2, 1710 [i.e. 1711] about 180 numbers were by Steele, who was also the projector; 42 by Addison and 36 by them jointly.
Ex copy has bookplates featuring a capital "P" within a square and the early autograph signatures of the Revd. W. Donnison.
- Physical Description
4 v. :
ill. ;
18 cm.